Speaking of putrified skate, I had an opportunity to smell one, many years ago. I was on vacation in Long Beach, Washington, and while beachcombing one day, encountered a dead skate upon the beach. It was the worst goddamned thing I ...
I'd be out just as soon as I could find a landing spot; and I'll take all my bvacation/b and sickdays doing it (quietly and professionaly) Essentially, those congressional idiots - will have caused the employees at AIG to "check out" mentally. b...../b By bSkata/b @ 03/20/09 10:34:04 AMreport abuse. It seems the Congress realizes that they made a mistake, giving AIG our money. Now they have to correct that mistake without admitting they made one! :) Typical of their way of living. ...
?Liveinvolvo? contiene un solo inedito registrato in studio: si tratta di ?bSkata skata/b (Scatafascio)?, brano utilizzato anche come sigla di coda del programma televisivo di Paolo Rossi ?Scatafascio?, del quale Capossela era stato ospite ...